The Reykjavík Grapevine - Article 26.03.2012
The internet has been bursting with joy and excitement today, as everyone’s favourite non-Björk related Icelandic musical outfit, the mighty Sigur Rós, announced details of their impending sixth studio LP. Due out on May 28, the album is titled ‘Valtari’ (that means “steamroller”) and will feature eight spanking new tracks (the titles of which are all listed below, along with semi-appropriate Icelandic translations).
This reveal was followed by the unveiling of a track from the album. The song is called “Ekki múkk” (“Not a sound”) and the accompanying video is by the lovely Ingibjörg Birgisdóttir, who is a member of Seabear and an accomplished visual artist (along with Lilja Birgisdóttir she created the artwork for Jónsi’s ‘Go’ as well as this issue of Reykjavík Grapevine). Watch the video embed below, it is very fitting to the song and in tune with Sigur Rós’ established aesthetic.
The band first revealed the album title and tracklist in a short interview with UK mag Q, commenting that it was “beautiful”, that it sounded “like an avalanche in slow-motion,” and that its music “just kind of rolls over you. In a good way.” They also note that the album is more electronic than their previous work, while assuring their many fans that they have not made a ‘dance’ record.
It is interesting to note that in the Q interview, the band state that 'the tourists' are the worst thing about Iceland's economic collapse, that there have never been more, due to the failed króna, and that these tourists are the only people that bother the band for autographs. If you are reading this, tourists or potential tourists, do note that Sigur Rós are not fans of giving out autographs. Try to refrain from asking for them. They have politely requested this.
The article furthermore reveals that ‘Valtari’ was recorded at Mosfellsbær’s Sundlaugin Studios and is produced by the band along with Jónsi’s partner Alex Somers.
While the internet was busy coming to terms with all these news, the following statement about the album appeared on Sigur Rós' official website:
"i really can’t remember why we started this record, i no
longer know what we were trying to do back then. i do know session after
session went pear-shaped, we lost focus and almost gave up...did give
up for a while. but then something happened and form started to emerge,
and now i can honestly say that it’s the only sigur rós record i have
listened to for pleasure in my own house after we’ve finished it." -
The tracklist is as follows:
Ég anda
Ekki múkk
Fjögur píanó
Here are our translations of the track names, which we coined using our superior grasp on the Icelandic language:
“I breathe”
“Not a sound”
“A really tight knot that probably can’t be undone”
“Dead calm”
“Four pianos”
Expect more Sigur Rós news, including tour details and stuff, popping up in the near future, in line with proper buzz-cycle procedures.
* Out 28th May
* Name = Valtari
* Produced by Alex Somers
* 8 Tracks in total:

:D :D :D
** For latest updates please go to the latest post (click the banner to re-load) **
There is one small mistake: just one "m" in Somers ;)
Hi Jon, how are you? What do you think about the details of this new album? It seems good for me: choir, dreamy, introverted, long songs, 'music rolls over you': progressive I guess, and the opposite to a pop album :)
Excited is an understatement. Do you happen to know what magazine the article in the pictures is from?
Many thanks.
@ Alline - Im just so happy with what Ive heard...really, couldn't be happier :D
@Matthew It was from Q magazine May 2012
Jon, you have listen the album? So good. i waiting the 28 May. Thanks for all the details and transcript of Reykjavik Gravepine
makes me cry mourn of nowhere, sigur ros's music with me all day, with my dreams, my wife and my angel that came into my life, my son.
for me are the best band in the world.
28 May come soon!
mauro (chile)
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