Thursday, 8 January 2009

Sigur ros - Club Quatro Tokyo 14.10.2001 Re-master 09

Sigur ros - Club Quatro Tokyo 14.10.2001 Re-master 09

This is quite an unusual post in that I have re-mastered from an MP3 320kbps instead of the usual uncompressed format. The reason I did this was because this is one of those very special old concerts with an amazing line up. At the very quietest moments (mostly crowd noise) you may notice some drop outs but the actual music parts sound great. Because the original file was an MP3 I have posted this as FLAC files. Also, so you can put your mind at ease I have included a small sample for you to download so you can decide for yourself. Personally I am very happy with it and feel it has very much been worthwhile. I hope you also enjoy this vintage classic. I think its worth a download if only to hear Jonsi singing in the background during Frysta - Havn't heard this before, its so beautiful

Track List:

01 Vaka
02 E-Bow
03 Sven-G-Englar
04 Alafoss
05 Lagið í gær
06 Olsen Olsen
07 Fyrsta
08 Samskyeti
09 Death Song
10 Ný batterí
11 Pop Song

NB: There will shortly be a revised version of this concert from the original LossLess source soon
In MP3 and FLAC, which will posted on victoryrose Lossless

(FLAC - 520mb)
download p1
download p2
download p3


Anonymous said...

Great, classic concert.

One favour to ask. Sometimes your dates are written day/month/year and sometimes month/day/year. Is it possible to stick to one or the other (or write the month in words)? It would help.

As you already know I think the site is great and a great source for SR et al.

Victoryrosemusic admin said...

Yep, well spotted and duly changed. thanks : )