Sigur Rós - Enmore Theatre, Sydney 12.04.2006 Re Master 09
This show is absolutely brilliant and will almost defiantly be in the top 10 of all time Sigur ros concerts. The balance of sound is fantastic, Jonsi's voice in particular is so strong. Over the course of working with these concerts there are some emerging which have such a great sound quality that it becomes a pleasure listening to them on that basis alone! This concert should be a part of a fans collection. Special thanks to Chris for his kind permission to post this concert
Set List:
01 Takk/Glósóli
02 Ný Batterí
03 Sæglópur
04 E-bow
05 Hoppípolla/Með Blóðnasir
06 Olsen Olsen
07 Njósnavélin
08 Svo hjótt/Heysátan
09 Hafsól
10 Smáskífa
11 Popplagið
(Revised track listing)
download p1
download p2
Thanks for all your work on this site! Just one quick question....this Enmore gig lists 14 tracks, but the two zip files only contain 11?
Sorry - didnt check it thoroughly enough. The revised track listing is correct. Thanks
What happened to Vidrar vel til loftarasa?
hi ginnsy
I can't find the original upload of this one (lost everything in some drive crashes) even though I now have a full collection again this one doesn't appear to be in it so its impossible to check. :(
Where did you get the set list from that that Vidrar on it?
Let me know & I will do my best
Hi. I got a setlist from that concert. Track listing- Takk, Glosoli, Ny batteri, Saeglopur, E-bow, Hoppipolla, Med blodnasir, Vidrar vel til loftarasa, Njosnavelin, Olsen Olsen, Svo Hljott, Heysatan, Hafsol, Smaskifa and the encore was Popplagid. It was the first time I saw them and it was stunning. The level of audience concentration was amazing. The pause during Vidrar vel til loftarasa, dead silence from the crowd. Actually, from memory, there was silence after each song finished and them applause. I also went to a 2nd show on good friday, 14/04/06 at The Great Escape festival. Slightly brisk night, full moon. Setlist-Takk, Glosoli, Saeglopur, Njosnavelin, Hoppipolla, Med blodnasir, Olsen Olsen, Vidrar vel til loftarasa( with extra guy playing the slide guitar part), Hafsol and encore of Popplagid.
That previous post was from ginnsy. Forgot password, brain explosion.
:) - Ive got an email address for the original taper so I'll email them & ask.
Do you have a contact for the person who recorded this Sydney show? Would like to find out if there is a recording of it with vidrar vel til loftarasa. I remember it being played, but it;s not on this recording. Any info about it would be greatly appreciated.
edit: found it - auroboros@gmail.com
sorry ginnsy I dont have the original anymore ...but it seems you're the only person who thinks it was played!
It sounds like they had a problem at the end of medblodnasir (track 5) with their piano so it may well have not been played due to errors. Also It doesn't sound like their are any anomolies on the recording - seems consistant + here is the track list from Popplagid.com -
Enmore Theatre - Sydney - Australia - 12 april 2006 - setlist :takk - glósóli - ný batterí - sæglópur - e bow - hoppípolla - með blóðnasir - olsen olsen - njósnavélin - svo hljótt - heysátan - Hafssól - smáskífa - popplagið
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